How to use Magboltz 11.11 from Python 3

Magboltz: the battle horse for the simulation of electron swarm
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How to use Magboltz 11.11 from Python 3

Post by micrenda »

If you ever wondered if Magboltz can be used from Python, the answer is yes, and it is easier that you could think.
  1. Download Magboltz from its homepage
  2. Apply this patch to Magboltz (it was created for version 11.11, but it should work for newer versions too)

    Code: Select all

    patch magboltz-11.11.f.test < magboltz.patch
    (1.67 KiB) Downloaded 1113 times
  3. Install numpy and gfortran

    Code: Select all

    sudo aptitude purge gfortran python3-numpy
  4. Create the f2py bindings

    Code: Select all

    f2py3 -c -m magboltz magboltz-11.11.f
  5. And enjoy... :)

    Code: Select all

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import magboltz
    # First card
    magboltz.inpt.ngas   = 2    # Number of gases in the mixture
    magboltz.setp.nmax   = 3    # Number of real collisions [10^7] 
    magboltz.inpt.ipen   = 0    # Penning effects
    magboltz.thrm.ithrm  = 1    # Enable gas temperature
    magboltz.inpt.efinal = 0.0  # Upper limit of the electron energy [eV] 
    # Second card
    magboltz.gasn.ngasn  = [ 2, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] # Gas codes  (Ar:CO2)
    # Third card
    magboltz.ratio.frac  = [ 93.0, 7.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]    # Gas fractions
    magboltz.inpt.tempc  = 25.  # Gas temperature [C]
    magboltz.inpt.torr   = 760. # Gas pressure [Torr]
    # Forth card
    magboltz.setp.efield = 600. # Electric field [V/cm]
    magboltz.bfld.bmag   =   1. # Magnetic field [kG]
    magboltz.bfld.btheta =   0. # Angle between the electric and magnetic field [deg]
    # Running Magboltz
    # Printing results
    print('=' * 50)
    print("  X: {} cm/s (err: {} %)".format(magboltz.vel.wx, magboltz.velerr.dwx))
    print("  Y: {} cm/s (err: {} %)".format(magboltz.vel.wy, magboltz.velerr.dwy))
    print("  Z: {} cm/s (err: {} %)".format(magboltz.vel.wz, magboltz.velerr.dwz))
Michele Renda, PhD
Particle Physics Dept., IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania

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