Cross-section tables from Magboltz 11.11

Collections of cross-sections and swarm tables
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Cross-section tables from Magboltz 11.11

Post by micrenda »

Magboltz is the leading software on the simulation of electron swarm parameters in gaseous mixture (ref). For this reason, it is heavily used in high energy physics for the simulation of gaseous detectors.

The main advantage of Magboltz is that it is a turn-key solution. It includes in its source code a huge list of cross-section tables (both experimental and analytical one) for a reasonable number of different gas.

We think that these tables are a gem for anyone involved in the simulation of electron swarms and could be used also outside Magboltz.

The aim of this topic is to organize an extraction of these cross-section tables, with a proper characterization and some guidelines.
 ! Message from: Michele Renda
Very important: these tables belong to Magboltz (written by S.F. Biagi), so, if you are using them, take care of properly cite the relevant journal articles and sources. No guarantees are given about the correctness of these table, so use it at your own risk!
Michele Renda, PhD
Particle Physics Dept., IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania
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Re: Cross-section tables from Magboltz 11.11

Post by micrenda »

Let's start with a list of the tables extracted:
(587.37 KiB) Downloaded 196 times
In this file it is possible to see the list of tables found in Magboltz. The first column is an ID used to uniquely identify the table. The comments are taken directly from the Magboltz code.

If table content is not yet validated, so if you are interested, please reply here (or send me a private message).
Michele Renda, PhD
Particle Physics Dept., IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania

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